Friday, April 29, 2016

Fabulous Friday Freebies

Here is our weekly linkup party: Fabulous Friday Freebies. This weeks topic is anything math. Please link up any free items or teaching ideas relating to math.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Perfect Song / Video For Teaching Letter Recognition and Sounds

This is my favorite video for learning letters and sounds. Check it out!

Three For Thursday: Spring / End Of Year

Welcome to my new linky party.  Here you will find awesome products, freebies, and teaching ideas relating to spring and the end of the year.  You are welcome to link up as well just please remember to link 1 free item or teaching idea for every 2 products.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Spring Time Math In Kindergarten

In math we have been working on both addition and subtraction.  The way that I like to practice these skills is that I start the kids in each math group with adding 0 to any given number.  Once the group has mastered that they move on to adding 1, then adding 2, adding 3, adding 4, and finally adding 5.  After they master adding by each of those numbers they practice adding the numbers 0-5 to any given number, then they move on to adding 6, adding 7, adding 8, adding 9, adding 10 and finally adding the numbers 0-10 to any given number.  After the students can do that then their group moves on to subtraction and we practice those skills in a similar manner.  I have several TPT products to help with this.  Today we used my  Butterfly Addition Adding 0-10 product which is really helpful when teaching this way!

Here are some pictures of the kids in action!  

After we check their answers they then can go ahead and color the butterflies!  

The kids were so excited with the cute design of the butterflies the first time they saw them!  This product brings and element of fun to learning!  

Awesome Math Video: Greater Than Less Than

Here is a super cute video for teaching the math concept of greater than less than!  Check it out!