Saturday, December 27, 2014

Letter of the Day Link Up on my Facebook Page

I am having product link up where we can post a product each day. The link up will last 26 days and is focused on the letters A-Z. Each day the products posted will start with a different letter. One paid product a day can be posted along with as many free products starting with the letter of the day as you wish. Today is letter A day so go ahead and comment on the Facebook Page post found on the page below with a link to your letter A products.

My Kinder Garden Letter of the Day Link Up Facebook Post

Head on over and link up today!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

How to #teach the #alphabet to #preschoolers

How to #teach the #alphabet to #preschoolers   If you have not joined #tsu, it is a must. It is a great way to find awesome #teaching ideas and products and a super way to promote your store and your products. You get many more views than other social media and actually get #paid for using the site. It is a win, win for everyone! Head on over today and sign up! Need extra #cash for the #holidays? Start selling your amazing teaching ideas and creations on #TPT. It is easy and a lot of fun.

197 #Educational #YouTube #Channels You Should Know About - #Teachers With #Apps

Start selling your amazing teaching ideas and creations on #TPT. It is easy and a lot of fun. If you have not joined #tsu, it is a must. It is a great way to find awesome #teaching ideas and products and a super way to promote your store and your products. You get many more views than other social media and actually get #paid for using the site. It is a win, win for everyone! Head on over today and sign up!