Thursday, May 12, 2016

Kindergarten Graduation Program

Each year our kindergarten team puts on a wonderful kindergarten graduation program.  Here are some of the things that we do:

We order caps and gowns for the students.  We collect money from the parents ahead of time and place the order.  Here is a link where you can order caps and gowns.
First we walk in to Pomp and Circumstance and find our seats.  The principal or our wing dean opens by saying a few words to welcome our families to graduation.  We then do the following:

Kindergarten Graduation Script:

All Kindergartners:

The class of 2016 (or whatever year it is)  wants to say,
You are all as welcome as the flowers in May.
We are glad to see you this afternoon (can be substituted with morning or evening)
We think it is just great
That you have come to _________________(name of your school)
To see our class graduate

Part 1:  (One student from each class)

We must all try to remember
Everything we have to do
So first we will stand and pledge allegiance
To our dear red, white, and blue
(all students then stand and say pledge)

Part 2:  (One student from each class)

We also have a student creed
You would like to hear that I know
So, everyone stand and yell it loud
All ready now....Let's go!
(All students stand and say your student creed if you have one-if not you can substitute with something else)

Part 3:  (One student from each class)

We are going to sing our songs
We surely like to sing
And after you hear it, you will say
__________________________(name of your school ) kids can do their thing!

We then sing 2 songs.  The first song we change each year.  It is usually a song that is popular at the time and that the kids know and like.  This year we are singing Happy.  The second song is called Kindergarten Kindergarten and is sung to the tune of the Married with Children theme song by Frank Sinatra:  Love and Marriage.  Here is an instrumental version:

Kindergarten Kindergarten

Kindergarten, kindergarten
Time to say goodbye to kindergarten
Look at the progress that we made
But now it's time to go to....first grade!

Kindergarten, kindergarten
We have learned so much in kindergarten
Our teachers wish that we could stay
but now it's time to go to....first grade!

Reading, writing, math and science
We love to do it
Specials and library too...
We're flying through it

Kindergarten, kindergarten
time to say goodbye to kindergarten
Look at the progress that we made
But now it's time, but now it's time
But now it's time to go to...first grade!

**(Instrumental interlude)**
(We have the students kind of bounce up and down during this-feet remain on ground)

Reading, writing, math and science
We love to do it
Specials and library too....
We're flying through it

Kindergarten, kindergarten
We have learned so much in kindergarten 
Our teachers wish that we could stay
But now it's time, but now it's time
But now it's time to go to....first grade!

After the two songs I go up and read a poem that I wrote for our kindergarten graduation.  It is a wonderful poem and the parents love it.  I have the poem available on my TPT store:  My Kinder Garden.  If you are interested in using it you can get it here just click on the link or the picture: Kindergarten Graduation Poem

Next we have the presentation of diplomas.  We use just a rolled up piece of paper tied in ribbon to hand out at the ceremony and then give the real certificates out in the classroom after the ceremony.  Here are a few different designs that can be purchased. Just click on the pictures for more information.



After we present the diplomas we sing our last song...the grand finale!  First Grade, First Grade which is sung to the tune of New York, New York by Frank Sinatra  Here is an instrumental version:

First Grade, First Grade

Start spreading the news
We're leaving today
We want to be a part of....
First grade, first grade

We've worked very hard 
Our teacher's so proud
So open up those doors to...
First grade, first grade

We know our alphabet and numbers too
We all can write our names....
And tie our shoes

So when summer's done
And we're all done with play
Our moms will send us to...
First grade, first grade

If we can make it there 
We'll make it anywhere
So here we come
First grade, first grade

We know our alphabet and numbers too
We all can write our names...
And tie our shoes

So when summer's done
And we're all done with play
Our moms will send us to...
First grade, first grade

If we can make it there
We'll make it anywhere
So here we come
First grade, first grade

Some years we have a refreshment table at the end and some years we give the kids treat bags.  And that is how we conduct our kindergarten graduation.

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